Zakład Fizyki Wysokich Ciśnień - publikacje

Repeat-unit interaction energies for lattice cluster theory derived from SANS data for blends of random poly(ethylene-butene-l)

Banaszak M.1, Petsche I. B.1, Radosz M.1
  • 1Exxon Research and Engineering Co, Annandale, United States
Macromolecules, 26 (2), pp.391-395, 1993
Abstract: The SANS data for binary random poly(ethylene-butene-l) blends are analyzed using the lattice cluster theory (LCT) which relates bulk polymer properties to repeat-unit structures. The random poly(ethylene-butene-1) chains are approximated as monodisperse homopolymers. LCT repeat-unit interaction energies ε, εll, and ε22 are fitted to the Flory X parameters obtained from the SANS experiments. The calculated X parameters have the correct temperature dependence, and the predicted UCST's agree with the experimental data.
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